Galleria Valentina Bonomo presents the new cycle of works by the Roman-Brazilian born artist Pietro Pasolini, created in direct response to the dramatically accelerating destruction of the world’s forests.
Pasolini’s latest exhibition asks us to think about trees, forests and the natural world whose biodiversity is being lost at 100 times the normal rate due to reckless human intervention.
The show opens with a large-scale aerial photograph of the Ecuadorian rainforest taken with a drone during the artist’s trip to the Amazon.
The gallery’s second room acts as the heart of the forest, with large copper panels containing depictions and imprints of leaves and foliage.
The gallery describes the atmosphere creating by the photograms as an “almost fairytale-like realm,” bridging the gap between photography, sculpture and painting.
The exbibition runs until 30 September – for details see gallery website.